Saturday, November 01, 2008


I appear to have lost a month of my running life! I'm here now Ewen and I'll be brief!

So, the programme has been going pretty well and I've managed to fit in most of it despite work being quite demanding. I've had a few niggles but they have been managed and I'm feeling pretty good at the moment; so good I'm attempting the Sri Chimnoy 16kms at the Bay tomorrow. I did 15km a couple of weeks ago so I'm fairly confident all will be well.

I won't be racing it but it will give me some entertainment for the longest run I've done in about 2 years as my running buddy Ellie is limbering up for the NY marathon.

I feel quite a bit fitter than when I started the programme about 7 weeks ago and got confirmation of that this week when I did my interval training. At the start of the programme I did 6 400s with 400m rest and this week I did 10 reps with only 1.30mins rest and all slightly quicker than the specified pace (2.10); between 2.06 and 2.09 with a 2.07 last one. The last few were tough but I kept up the pace.

I've been doing quite a bit of swimming as cross training and even that has started to improve and I managed 1km this morning. So all in all a pretty good month of training.

I was intending to do the Sussan's women's classic in Melbourne at the beginning of December but work and life aren't co-operating so I'll probably end up doing a Smiffo SMC race in Nov or Dec instead to see what sort of 10km form I'm in and how the programme is working.


At 10:04 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

Hi Lulu! Thanks :)

I start to worry when bloggers appear to have stopped writing. I start wondering... Have they died? Found a new sport (lawn bowls maybe)? Got married? Fallen ill due to a feed of black fish?

Anyway, it's great to see the program is working, and you're running well. Great work with those 400s!

I must check Ellie's NYC report - that's sure to be a good one.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger running uphill said...

Hi Lulu

Good to see you that you are getting back into some longer runs. Hope you have a good 16k run (race).

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Hope the 16k went well this morn Lulu.

I've been doing loads of swimming, and the more I do the more I enjoy it.


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