Friday, June 24, 2005

Being a bit slack

I've been a bit slack for the last two days. My intentions to go and at least do some Pilates or go for a swim have fallen by the wayside. I was going to swim this afternoon but then I had to go out to Bankstown to pick up the car.. at long last.. Mr Lulu and I will be back on the road again. At least I won't have to risk life and limb on my bike going to SWEAT next week, assuming the hip is back to normal or nearly normal. At least I've been giving myself a good rest which is probably not a bad thing considering a few niggles were developing.

I'm a bit surprised that it is still a bit sore but I've been told I can try a gentle run on Sunday.. hooray.. so we'll see what happens. I find it really hard to get motivated to go and do other forms of exercise when I'm not able to run so let's hope I'll be back on track next week.

Will do a good long walk tomorrow and see how it copes with that before making any firm plans for Sunday.


At 9:11 PM, Blogger CJ said...

I also find it hard to get motivated to do other forms of exercise if I can't run but I have been making myself go swimming lately. I might complain endlessly bfore I go, and use all the excuses under the sun, but I find that I always feel better after the swim. But then again I get the same feeling from eating a block of chocolate!!!!!!!

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I have the same problem Lulu - when I can't run, all other exercise (as well as my healthy eating habits) fall by the wayside. Good luck with your run on Sunday - I hope your hip pulls up well. And all else fails, try CJ's suggestion! J


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