Thursday, March 15, 2007

Another day, another physio

As my achilles has been bothering me for a few weeks now and it's not getting any better, Easy Tiger sent me off to see the foot and ankle physio expert. The good news is I don't have to stop running, although she doesn't want me to increase my kms at the moment. I have a mild case of achilles tendonosis, and the cure is lots of eccentric calf exercises. So I'm now to be found standing at the bottom of our stairs, twice a day, doing my exercises like a good girl.

She's hopeful that in three weeks there will be a big improvement and by the end of her rehab programme it will be fixed... that's good news. Apparently, tendonosis is not an inflammatory condition but a degenerative one and so anti-inflams are no use. They are not quite sure what causes the pain but some ulta sounds show blood vessels in the tendon where they shouldn't be. The eccentric calf exercises apparently shut them down as well as strengthening that calf, which is a bit wasted. Fingers crossed it all goes according to plan.

So after a few days of rest, I headed off to SWEAT this morning for a 4km fartlek session. I felt a bit sluggish in the warm up but started off way to fast as usual once the session started and each lap was getting slower and slower. I pushed hard in the last surge to try and catch one of the other girls but she stayed ahead of me. When I stopped I was surprised by a dry heave.. first one ever, so I must have been working hard :) Ellie tells me Sean would be proud of me!

I've entered the Canberra 10km which should be interesting as I won't be able to do that much training in the meantime, but at least I know I can run 10km although it will be slow one I suspect.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

nice to see you there this morning Lulu and now I am going to have to see whether I can dry heave now - just to keep up with you :)

see you soon!

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Gronk said...

Ah, welcome to Club Eccentric ! ;-)

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Congrats on the first dry heave :)

Looking forward to cheering you on in the 10k in Canberra.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Black Knight said...

Good luck and take care. I am almost in the same situation with my knee and I ran a 10 km! It's boring not to run as you would be able without the injury.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Great to see you on Saturday!! Thanks for the cheers. See you soon.... or in Canberra! I am going to line up for th 10kms too :-)

At 3:59 PM, Blogger miners said...

good to hear there's a strategy. If I could only get someone to have a look at my ultrasound results, I may have somethings similar! I'll follow your lead in the meantime :)

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

Yes, he would be proud of you. If you do a wet one, aim for the dry grass - it's good fertilizer.

I still haven't decided on the 10 or the 5, but I'll see you there!

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

If you heave on Sean you can go home early.

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Jen said...

S***e, you just reminded me. I forgot to enter Canberra 10k. Maybe I'll just cheer instead (yes, I know i can enter on the day but cheering sounds like more fun right now!)


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