Friday, August 05, 2005

Up and down the hills

The days are definitely getting longer again now, as it was quite light when I got up at 6am to head to the park for the SWEAT session. I did a quick warm up lap of the oval and then we headed off. Lots of the group are doing the Striders 10km race tomorrow and so they were taking it relatively easy. This at least meant that I ran with them at the beginning and actually managed to catch up with them on some of the flat and downhill sections. They soon left me behind on the hills however. The first hill was tough but I warmed up after that and managed to keep a relatively good pace (for Me!) on the hills. My legs turned to jelly on the last hill on the way back to the park and I fell behind the pack at that point. At least they were still in sight for most of the time.

Garth tells me we did 10.14km in 1hr 2mins with an average pace of 6.08/km which is pretty good for me considering how many hills we were doing. Quite pleased with that especially after doing quite a long run yesterday.

The weekly total is 46km at an average pace of 6.37/km. That has to be a record for me I think as even when I was training for the half marathon I don't think I would have done much over 35km as I was only doing 4 runs per week.

I'll do another Pilates class today. Tomorrow I will be having a well deserved rest!


At 2:13 PM, Blogger allrounder said...

good run...that's a good bunch of ks this sunday: i don't know what time i'll be at centennial park as i'm doing a cricket coaching thing over at artarman which is due to finish by 3pm, but thanks for the advice re the distances...


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