Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A gold star day!

Someone give me a gold star; I've been such a good girl today!

Aqua Satan
A good hour workout consisting of:
Strength exercises
5 mins warm up running
15 mins intervals interspersed with jumpie things and arm exercises

Aqua Satan is not too worried that my knee hurt yesterday but wants to try and get to the bottom of what happened, so I'm off again tomorrow for another slightly shorter run. I suspect I just went a bit too far. Anyway at least I can run again tomorrow!

I can't believe it's been about 3 weeks since I did my weights workout, don't know what I've been up to. Did my normal workout but found I had to go back to my original weights. That's what happens when you don't do it I suppose. Followed this with a 45 min Spin class which was a great workout as usual although I had to keep the resistance down a little so I didn't put too much strain on my knee.

All in all a good day's exercise!


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Two sessions in one day. You're a star in my eyes.

At 11:34 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Jumpie things and arm exercises - yep that is Gold Star material.... and then weights - we might have to move on to Platinum ;-)

At 11:53 PM, Blogger R2B said...

Haha your blog always brings a smile to my face.
Keep it up your a champ!

At 9:53 AM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Ah, it's so good to have a gold star day. Lap it up.



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