Friday, July 21, 2006

Running all over the place

Since my tentative run on Sunday I have been all over the place. First I spent a couple of days in Wagga and I'm currently sitting looking out across the beach to blue waters on the Sunshine Coast.

So my running this week has been in different locations. I had an early start on Tuesday so ended up doing my run in the afternoon. As I was in the middle of Wagga I headed off to the river run that I discovered on my last stay here. Great running conditions as the sun was going down and it was nice and cool but not too cold and a very nice way to spend time on my birthday. A nice 30 mins with just a slight niggle from the adductor. Maybe I'll do more running the afternoon in the winter as getting up in the morning is so much harder.

A pit stop in Sydney and a trip to Easy Tiger before heading up to Queensland to deal with the police and have a weekend on the Sunshine Coast. I got up at 6 and did a great run from Maroochydore, where I'm staying, down to Mooloolaba Beach and back. This even had a couple of hills in it over one of the headlands. First time I've run over a hill for while. I did 6km in 37 mins and felt good. My cardio fitness has definitely declined so there's lots of work to do but at least I seem to be on the raod again. Keeping fingers crossed!

Good luck to all those racing this weekend at either S2S or HV. Wine Trail Runner aka Mr lulu should be running amongst the vines really but he's on his way up to the Sunshine Coast.


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Lulu it be pretty but it sure is a tough run from Maroochydore to Mooloolaba and back. Those hills are kilers! Well done.

PS Hope you had a lovely birthday.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Shane said...

Firstly Happy Birthday Lulu!
There is certainly a pattern emerging, the last couple of posts have been very positive. Well done on conquering those hills, im sure your fitness will be back in no time.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Happy birthday. You kept that a secret, or haven't I been reading the right stuff again.

Enjoy the warm weather.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Hilda said...

Very nice you are back running and starting over in new places!!

Happy birthday, even better when running!!

At 10:45 PM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

That just sounds like so much fun. Happy birthday and happy running! :-)


At 10:51 PM, Blogger strewth said...

Happy Birthday Lulu! And what a lovely run that sounds on your birthday - what a beaut location.

At 1:00 AM, Blogger R2B said...

Happy birthday lulu!
Yes i agree with Shane there has been some positivety in your posts of late.Good to see you are going so well.

Your also very lucky to be able to enjoy the scenery in all the places you visit.
Enjoy yourself!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Cirque said...

That was one of my old runs Lulu - wish I could have been there running it with you.
I wish I could have popped up to see you but now that the school term has resumed I'm flat out with boy commitments.
I hope we can catch up when you're in Brisbane next.

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Happy birthday!!! We should definately catch up and hace a birthday hot chocolate! We can drag DJ along :-)

Great news to hear you running!! Tiger does a great job... I had a great massage :-)

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Clairie said...

Hope you had a great Birthday Lulu, if you are in QLD does that mean we will be catching up for Coffee??????????? or are you on the coast only?

At 9:57 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Wooohooo Lulu - you're doing hills now? What's next? 6'????


Keep up the good work lulu.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Happy birthday Lulu. Hope you had a lovely week. So what are your plans for this week? Pilates or something food related (or both)?



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