Thursday, July 14, 2005

The two beaches

Today the sun was shining again in beautiful Bronte. Probably something to do with the fact that I was actually out running after the sun rose rather than in what feels like the middle of the night!

I decided I needed to do some hills so I did my two beaches run which is down to Clovelly and up to Bronte beach through the cemetery. I took the first 20 mins easy as I was feeling a bit stiff from the last few days running and Pilates. Once I'd warmed up I started attacking the hills a bit more and crusied down to Bronte beach and up Bronte hill. My left hip started niggling towards the top so I stopped and walked for a few minutes before heading off again up to Lugar Street. I did my extra loop around Evans St to take me up to 40 mins. Home for a big stretch and feeling pretty good afterwards.

My muscles have been a bit sore for the last couple of days from Pilates and interval training yesterday and it seems more than would be normal for me. The only thing I can think is that I ran out of Endura at the weekend and so haven't been using it. I've bought some more now and so we'll see if that improves things. If so then it will be proof to me that it works well and does make a difference.


At 7:41 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Sounds like a lovely run - hills, beach and sun !! I hope your hip is fine. There are too many injuries in CR blogsville at the moment. J

At 8:07 PM, Blogger CJ said...

Everyone's doing hills - it wouldn't have something to do with a certain run coming up in August would it?!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger miners said...

With lovely scenery like that down there, it would be hard for to refuse the offer Lulu. I'll sort out things/plans with the local guys from up here who are racing and let you know!


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