Sunday, October 16, 2005

Moore Parks!

Yesterday was definitely a wallowing in bed day.. felt very tired all day.. even had a nana nap after we'd been out to do the shopping!

Today I was a bit concerned I would struggle so I decided to stick to Centennial Park so that if I felt like pulling the pin I wouldn't have far to go to get home again.

As it happens I needn't have worried as I felt pretty good for most of the run, once I'd warmed up. I did a couple of loops around the park, going outside and around Fox Studio and the SCG and up Moore Park Road on the first one. On the second one I came back through Bondi Junction and back to home for a bit more variety.

I covered 17.75km in 1hr. 57 mins and burnt a fabulous 1567 cals.. give me some more chocolate :)

Knees are a bit sore after all that but will see how I feel in the morning before I decide what I will do. I've got a relatively easy week as I have hills tomorrow, track on Weds and then nothing until a short run on Saturday and the 8km race on Sunday.

I've been tagged by CJ in the getting to know your fellow bloggers game! The instructions are as follows:
Here are the rules:
1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or the closest one to it)
4. Post the text of your sentence in your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag five other people.

My 23rd post was on Saturday 25th of June which is a running rest day. At the time I had a problem with some sore hips and my 5th sentance is "Let's hope the run will be on for tomorrow". Fortunately it was :) Seems to sum up my experience with running: managing little niggles so they don't become big niggles and trying to keep on the road!

Now I tag: Kit, the lovely Minersruns, the wise Owl, TA and the Gnome and our Melbourne based Wobbly Man


At 6:10 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Good run Lulu... I love when you feel better than expected- score!
I am really looking forward to Sunday :) I think Deanna is going to come too.... haha double the nagging :)

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Hilda said...

Si que eres rapida, suena como una gran carrera, felicidades!!!

At 6:14 PM, Blogger miners said...

Hello my little swan. I found the original tag just then as I FINALLY managed to get myself around to some proper updating. I've been very detached for the last 5 days or so :(

Thank you for the tag - and thank you for the kind words regarding the ankle - here's hoping there won't be any more talk about it ever again!

Now, could you please lend me your new duck fins? Any assistance in the pool would be greatly appreciated.

BTW - congratulations on the fantastic long run on the weekend. Never forget how much you've achieved in such a short time. A 17km long run is a HUGE run for most people - it's nice to be able to just throw it in a blog as if it happens every day isn't it?


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