Monday, February 13, 2006

In with Bill

The hydro pool was very quiet this morning and it was just me and a lovely old gent called Bill who celebrated his 80th birthday last week and he was very charming company.

After my run on Saturday I was a bit sore in the right knee and so yesterday I had a day off.

This morning's session at the pool was the usual:
5 mins warm up run
6 mins run intervals with leg strenthening in between
Build intervals
Collapse in corner.

I found this quite hard this morning and I'm probably still not 100% after last week's cold.

Week 5 review

Sunday 3.7km run
Mon, Tues, Weds ; lost to the dreaded lurgy
Thursday 4km and Pilates
Fri Aqua Satan
Sat ran 6 km

Weight loss 0 (2kgs). Not really surprised as i was a bit slack this week and I have really stalled at this weight. Will focus on diet this week and step up the exercise and see if I can get it moving again.

Week 6 plan
Sunday: rest (did that; lovely!)
Mon: Aqua Satan, Pilates
Tues: run
Weds: am Water run, pm gym
Thurs: Run, Pilates
Fri: am Aqua Satan; pm Pilates
Saturday am Gym; pm Water run

Wish me luck!


At 11:14 AM, Blogger R2B said...

your always planning Lulu at least you can keep track that way eh?

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

Hey Lulu, your session sounds great. Can I ask which pool you go to?

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Katie said...

You do not need luck... your the master of your own destiny!!! haha did I sound very wise?? Good luck... hope your week goes well!

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Wish you good luck!
I felt like an octagenarian but not very charming this morning!!
I took glucosamine a couple of years ago after a doctor recommended it, and didn't notice any difference!!
I must be beyond help!!!

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You'll do it, Lulu, but good luck anyway!

At 11:13 PM, Blogger 2P said...

If you ever need any help - Im a master at the "collapse in corner" - happy to share a few tips ;-)

GOod job lulu - keep it going and you will be running 10k PB's in no time!

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Good Luck! I'm sure it'll all go fabulously :)

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

You've been in with Bill for a while, lucky Mr Lulu is not the jealous kind.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger R2B said...

Lulu where are you Lulu?


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