Saturday, February 04, 2006

Meat head or meat loaf

Off to the gym this morning as the weather didn't look particularly appealing for a water run.
An hour's pilates mat class followed by a Spin class.

The spin class was led by some big beefy meathead instructor who played heavy metal all through the class. Not really my cup of tea under normal circumstances but I found it strangely appealing to spin too. Don't tell Mr lulu otherwise he'll be getting out his Rose Tattoo CDs and playing them in the house whilst I'm in, instead of when I'm out, which are the current rules :)

I've got the resistance right on the bike now so that work hard enough but without putting too much strain on the knee and I certainly felt like I'd had a good workout. Meathead said we were going to do a rolling hills session. It didn't fit my definition of rolling hills as there was no downhill that I can remember. My glutes have been well and truly exercised today, particularly on the 8 min track where we stood and climbed the whole way through. I was quite glad when that particular torture ended.

Running tomorrow! Yay!


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Sounds like you went like a bat out of hell at spin.

Mr Lulu might need an ipod in the naughty corner for that Rose tattoo.

Good luck for the run.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger miners said...

Does this newfound metal love have anything to do with the new medication?

At 10:39 PM, Blogger CJ said...

I have some head banging music on my ipod because I find it really good to run to. My sons are gobsmacked!

Hope the run goes well.


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