Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Elementary, my dear Watson's (Bay)

No SWEAT for me this morning as the logistics of getting to the park, getting me back to Vaucluse and Mr lulu to the City when we've only got one car was getting too much for my brain. Anyway it's good for the hips!

Instead, I headed off down Hopetoun Ave towards Watson's Bay. A lovely down hill run most of the way there. Once I made it to the Watson's Bay I climbed the stairs for a look down at the Gap and then started up a bush trail I didn't even know was there. I turned back after a few minutes though as I wasn't sure where I'd pop out and I was doing 30 mins only in full Captain Sensible mode.

Back to the water for a short run along the harbour and then the uphill back to the house. Felt pretty good, and the hip only complained marginally on a steep hill section... good excuse to walk I say!

Once I'd made it back I saddled up Max the dog and took him for a short walk. He's been on short walks only since we moved in, as he had stitches in his leg where he'd cut himself. I took him up to the vet this morning and they've been removed so we'll be able to see what sort of running companion he makes. Max is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and is very cute and very easy to look after. I'm enjoying having a dog, even if it is only for a short time.

Mr lulu is still Top Dog though :)


At 5:26 PM, Blogger miners said...

I didn't know you had a dog? Certainly wasn't around when I popped over, unless it's a particularly lazy one.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Must feel like a holiday living in different digs for a while. Well, except for the bit where you have to go to work.

Cute doggies :-)

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

Poor Max!

Well done Captain. You might have popped out on the edge of a cliff. So many trails in Sydney - there's always something new to discover.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Black Knight said...

What a wonderful dog! To have a dog is my impossible dream, I would have to kill in order: my in-law1, my in-law2 and my wife. Thinking.....what it is better to do......

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

hey I found you! I lost you on bloglines. Will have to resubscribe! Glad that the housesitting is going well - Max sounds gorgeous!!!

At 9:52 AM, Blogger PortRunr said...

Sounds like you're enjoying the house/dog sitting. I see you've taken up swimming recently. Thinking of fitting some cycling in there as well??!!


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