Monday, October 22, 2007

Back in the saddle

Thanks for all the comments and thoughts everyone; much appreciated.

Last week I struggled with the jet lag which seemed to really hit me hard this time around. I did do a session with the glute torturer but that was about it until Sunday when I started to feel more human.

It was down to Queen's Park and back for my 30 mins walk/jog. Not sure quite how much walking I did but not very much. Mainly just up the big hill... my legs and lungs are quite happy on the flat but don't like hills much at the moment.

It was my first day at work today and I spent most of it in a training course so it's an easy start to the week. I even managed to leave at 4.50 and be in the gym by 5.30. Maybe this wage slave thing won't be too bad after all!

Once in the gym I donned my new iPod (acquired under the guidance of my nephew in England) and hit the elliptical machine for 25 mins and then did some strength work. All feels pretty good so I'm really keeping everything crossed that I can have a smooth return to running.

The plan for the week is as follows:

Monday: Gym (tick!)
Tuesday: Walk/run 30 mins
Wednesday: Spin and strength
Thursday: Glute torturer
Friday: Walk/run 30 mins
Saturday: Mr lulu's birthday! Gym and crazy abs lady (more about that in another post; it's an experiment!)
Sunday: Walk/run 30 mins

If I get through all of that without incident and breakages I'll feel like I'm making a bit of progress.


At 10:24 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Yeeha Cowboy!!

Wish Mr. Lulu a Happy Birthday and ask him for me if he is running Canberra next year? I'm thinking about chasing him to a sub 3 hours there.

Also looking foward to "Crazy Ab lady's" story.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Gronk said...

Welcome back Lulu. Crazy Abs lady ? Sounds painful !

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

Sub-3 Scott? Yipi Kai Ay!

Well done Lulu. Stick to the 5% rule ;)

Have a glass of wine for me on Saturday night - I'm sure it'll be a corker of a bottle :)

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Aki said...

Keep at it Lulu!

At 7:33 AM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey Lulu good to see you back on the horse. Nice work mate.


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