Saturday, December 03, 2005

And we're off!

An easy 25 mins around Queen's Park this morning and we're off to the airport.
Garth , check; running shoes, check; Bodyglide, check; mr lulu, check; sombrero :)

Feeling much perkier today and so tomorrow I'm going to be in fine form I can tell :) Will text you, Jen when I've finished!


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hehe. I was just about to send you a text asking you to text me when you finish!

Oh yes, the BBQ. I hope you didn't pack the rusty pilers in your carry on luggage ;-)

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Can you hear me yelling ???

At 8:32 PM, Blogger CJ said...

Look forward to hearing all about it!

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

A lot of tension up here on Sunday waiting for the race results, and the BBQ results.

A pity they don't have internet access in Mexico yet, telstra has said it's working on regional access.


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