Saturday, January 07, 2006

I spoke a little too soon!

I think I spoke a little too soon when I thought my knee survived yesterday's run. This morning I woke up to go to the pool to meet Jen for a swim and discovered the dreaded ITB was sore. I occasionally get a bit of soreness but this was worse than usual but did feel better after a swim and a bit of a massage. Needless to say the rolling pin has been used with avengance in the last few hours. It's all connected to the same basic issues that cause my knee problems but I've so far managed to avoid it getting worse. I'll have to review the situation in the morning and decide whether to run or not or to wait and see the physio on Monday.

Didn't really feel like swimming but plodded along to do 500m before I decided I'd had enough.. Johnny did my other 500m for me to make up our joint km! Mr lulu and Jen did the serious swimming whilst us poms pottered about in the diplomatically named "recreational" lane :)

Very nice breakfast and that's the end of my eating out extravanganza as the serious eating plan starts tomorrow so I'll be on bread and water from here on.. maybe one tiny square of chocolate might slip in occasionally just to keep me sane.


At 4:50 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Thanks to you Mr Lulu & Johnny for a lovely morning and a fantastic way to start my little holiday! That breakfast was yum-o :-D

Sorry to hear that your knee is playing up a little at the moment. If it is doing it in sympathy for mine, please tell it to stop; that I have the CR playgroup monopoly on knee problems ;-)

And yes, chocolate is an essential ingredient in maintaining sanity. I'm sure CJ will agree with me!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Aki said...

You have to have some chocolate, lol.

To answer your question, yep, I trained to be a music teacher. Funny how much people have in common? Looks like knee problems too now, hopefully it's hitting both of us just temporarily, like for one day. :p

Which side is yours on?

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Wobbly man said...

No knee problems! No knee problems!nee problems!No kneeNo knee problems! problems!No knee problems!

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

"Needless to say the rolling pin has been used with a vengance in the last few hours."

- yeh, I'd be taking it out on Mr Lulu too. Give him one for me.

When you and Mr Lulu are ready for red lentils and red wine let me know.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Haha DJ I had the same visuals... I did not think Lulu was so violent hehe I have just crossed everything for you that it is just a minor hiccup!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Stupid knee :-( Hope its not too bad Lulu.

I'm glad you're not discounting a little chocolate from your eating plan.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger CJ said...

Oh no - hope the ITB is feeling a lot better now.

Sounds like a nice morning for swimming and brekkie.

.....and absolutely, a little bit of chocolate every now and then definitely won't hurt. Dark chocolate is full of anti-oxidants remember!!!

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Hilda said...

Espero que tu rodilla se mejore pronto y que no sea nada grave.

No vayas a castigarte mucho con la dieta, solo come mas frutas y verduras, asi dejas menos espacio para lo que no te permite bajar.


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