Friday, April 21, 2006


That's not the pace I was running at but my left heel. This happened the last time I tried different shoes to the Locos and I ended up throwing them out. Hopefully it will improve once they've broken in or there's another $150 down the drain. In the meantime I'm going back to the trusty Locos for a few days so my heel can recover.

Apart from that I had a relatively pain free run. 40 mins around the lake in Centennial and back home. I put in a few surges rather than doing the low heart rate run all the way around just to make sure I don't forget how to move my legs a bit quicker! Quite good fun and I got home quicker so I didn't have to put up with my blister for quite as long.

Off to see my favourite crazy elbow guy to loosen up my tight hip/itb later on this afternoon after I've been to Pilates.

One day soon I won't have anything to write about apart from the running, rather than reporting my latest niggle or injury.

B: Blackforest PS
MT: Sculpt bar

L: As brekkie
At: choc peanut protein bar
D: Beef and redwine casserole, mash, snow peas 3 glasses of wine.


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhubard tiramisu - yum, yum, yum.


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

ow!! that sounds painful!! hope it clears up with time and bodyglide... how good does your afternoon tea sound??

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Haha. "Crazy elbow guy". I love it!

BTW, I still have your jacket from 6ft. Will "try" to remember to bring it with me next Sunday (or if we have lunch with GG this week!)

At 10:48 PM, Blogger R2B said...

As Tesso would say "your good company on the injury bench!"
Much as i'd like to see you recover quicker!

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Gronk said...

40 mins is a great run Lulu. Blisters are crap. When I get new shoes I try and go for a 15 min run to identify hot spots and then tape them with elastoplast before my next run.


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