Sunday, April 23, 2006

Lentil power

Either DJ's lentils have special healing powers or it is the positive vibes or running with the Owl which meant I managed to do an hour of running this morning. Admittedly the first 8 mins were stop and start as I did 5 mins warm up to keep warm while I waited for the Owl and then we spent some time fiddling about looking for a toilet somewhere in the domain. First, I sent us in the wrong direction but then after our comfort break we set off properly.

We headed down to Farm Cove and headed out to the Opera House, around Circular Quay and up to the rocks, back down George Street and back around the quay to the Opera House. Once we hit Farm Cove again the Owl had reached her intended run of 40 mins so she walked the rest of the way and I carried on for another circuit of the domain for a total of 62 mins (54 non-stop).

After some stretching we had the obligatory coffee before we headed our separate ways battling the delights of the Sunday service public transport.

The only fall out seems to be a slightly tight left itb but apart from that it's all good. I was back in the my old Locos today to give the blister a chance to heal before I try the new shoes again. Pretty happy with that; thanks for the great company Owly!


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Shane said...

That's a great run Lulu, a shame that the shoes gave you a blister, it would have been good to see if they helped with itb.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

hey you :) Just catching up on all my blogs! You and Owly are going well :)

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

wow - that is fantastic!! i would love to join you next sunday as i have my first 60 mins on my program! however you would need to promise that you will go fast and if i can't keep up i'll meet you at the end!! even though i'm looking forward to going away i am really looking forward to coming back and getting stuck into the next month of programm-ing. See ya! E

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Nothing mysterious there.... just lulu on the comeback! Thats a great run and whould have been glorious!

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Lentils are magic. Good run.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Hmmm judging by the wind propulsion DJ normally gets from lentils I would suggest your specific gravity was a lighter today than normal ;-)

Sounds like a great run.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Hilda said...

Great run, you are just on the right way!

I'll try some lentils, see what happens...

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

positive vibes from combined power of the "L's" Lulu and Lorna!

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

I reckon it would be worth the public transport hassles to be able to run in such a lovely area. 54 mins non-stop - well done!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Don Juan said...

Just noticed the Barossa half marathon 28th May 2006; looks ideal for WTR while you can do some tasting.


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