Thursday, May 31, 2007


Wednesday I headed out down to the park for an easy run. I was intending to do 50 mins but had trouble getting going. I passed a potential short cut and managed to talk myself out of taking it and continued around the inside of the park. I actually started to enjoy it after about 4kms and managed the intended 50 mins plus a bit extra to make it up to 8kms.

Today was a HHH* session. Due to the ranges of niggles I've had I have not been to any of the SWEAT hill sessions and didn't I know about it today. Wild Wally seems to have grown in length and increased in steepness since my last visit, which was probably last year sometime. I had no companions at the back of the pack today as all the girls in my group seem to have more sense than to inflict that on themselves. In the end I did 4 out of the potential 7 laps which was a bit pathetic really but at least it's a start. I did two at 3.59 and 4.21 and then sat one out. Then it was off again doing 3.53 and 4.19 this time. I obviously started to warm up to the hills a bit. I had some kind of mental breakdown (probably due to lack of oxygen) as I was thinking everyone had finished after I sat the next one out, only to be surprised to see people doing an extra one.. doh that would be the 7th and I should be doing it. As Horrie said, no need to be overdoing it on the first hill session back and I did have to run home afterwards which is about another 3.5kms.

I ran back to the car and changed from my old shoes into the new pair of Brooks Adrenalines I bought yesterday. I've been running in Nike structured Triax but the wonder pod wants me to try the Adrenalines. Felt pretty comfy but not as 'bouncy' as the Nike so will take a bit of getting used to.

Niggle status after hills: achilles good, right glute a little sore but should be OK.

*Horrid hard hills


At 12:11 PM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

I love my adrenalines. Mind you they are mens to accommodate my wide foot;-).


At 12:31 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

I won a pair of Nikes (still to collect) and was going to get the Triax. I like the sound of bouncy :)

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

I had a pair of those once. Good shoes, if a little heavy.

Well done with the HHHs!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Sekhmet said...

I have given up on my Triax now, they feel really wierd compared to the Adrenalines and Inspires. The Adrenalines are definitely less bouncy, I totally agree with you on that one

The hills sound awful...I'm starting to feel a bit guilty for not going to SWEAT now...

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Hi Lulu! Thanks for visiting my blog. I feel like a bit of an imposter since I am not running at the moment - but I'm a wannabe runner, so I figure I'm allowed to read up on running. And so to your blog! Aaaahhhhh!!!! Another runner who is cranking out the k's!

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Don't forget that a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single hill :-)

Sooo lovely to catch up with you today!


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