Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm alive!

Well, after being re-inspired by Sean's running camp I was swallowed back into work and travelling and lost my way a little. Alcolhol free Feb was the first thing to go when the CR girls came over for dinner!

I've also been travelling a lot; since my last post I have been to Daylesford, Melbourne, Noosa, Central Coast and Adelaide, not bad for three weeks. Most of it has been work related but Noosa and the Central Coast were weekends away. In fact this weekend was the first weekend I've been at home since before Australia Day.

Running and exercising haven't been too bad when I have had enough energy. A trip to the thyroid Dr. shows my thyroid still not firing on all cylinders hence the fatigue and lack of weight loss. Very frustrating but there's not much else I can do apart from keep ticking along with the drugs and hoping it will sort itself out.

Having done lots of different runs I'll focus on a couple of highlights:

Adelaide: Monday morning out running along the beach at Glenelg, about 7kms and although it was already 27 deg at 6am, it was a very pleasant run.

Noosa: A couple of nice runs along the Noosa Half course. It would be nice to do that one day.

Centennial Park today: A nice 7km at 6.20/km pace. Quite pleased with that pace considering the relatively low amount of training.

I've had a few problems with my right calf and foot, which despite Easy Tiger's best efforts is still giving me grief so I haven't done much interval training lately. Hoping it will stand up to a sessiong this week. I'm also getting a few aches in my special place which is a sign of the hip problem flaring up. The only thing I've been a bit slack on is the Crazy Ab lady exercises so I'm going to re-focus on that this week and see if it settles down the hip. If not, I'll be back to Brad the physio; I'm due a check up anyway.

That's all for now and I really will try and be a better blogger!!


At 6:39 AM, Blogger running uphill said...

Hey Lulu

Glad to hear you're still running. Sounds like you've been busy. I hope you get the thyroid issues sorted, that must be frustrating.

How do ab exercises help with hip issues? I think I have a few hip issues too.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

well i think that it is a good sign that your calf/foot are playing up. You must be successfully changing your style so hopefully that means all the other stuff will be perfect now!!!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Ewen said...

Hi Lulu! It's always good to discover a blogger is still alive. Sometimes you wonder if you missed the funeral notice ;) I only know CJ is still alive because I saw her on Sunday.

7k at 6:20s is good considering your jet-setting lifestyle. A have a mate in Daylesford - he could have taken you for a run around Wombat Hill :)

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Neese said...

Welcome back LuLu! :o)

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Glad you got some running in at Noosa. The thing I like most about the half up there is its a double out and back course so you get so see people twice. Oh, and its nice and flat too but I supposed you noticed that :-)

At 10:16 PM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

You can trust those CR girls to corrupt all your good intentions! :-) Still, I'll bet it was fun...


At 10:34 PM, Blogger strewth said...

Yay - hi Lulu - good to have you back. 6:20 pace is great after that break - that's what I'm doing at the moment too. We should run together!! It must be time you visited.


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