Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm alive!

Well, after being re-inspired by Sean's running camp I was swallowed back into work and travelling and lost my way a little. Alcolhol free Feb was the first thing to go when the CR girls came over for dinner!

I've also been travelling a lot; since my last post I have been to Daylesford, Melbourne, Noosa, Central Coast and Adelaide, not bad for three weeks. Most of it has been work related but Noosa and the Central Coast were weekends away. In fact this weekend was the first weekend I've been at home since before Australia Day.

Running and exercising haven't been too bad when I have had enough energy. A trip to the thyroid Dr. shows my thyroid still not firing on all cylinders hence the fatigue and lack of weight loss. Very frustrating but there's not much else I can do apart from keep ticking along with the drugs and hoping it will sort itself out.

Having done lots of different runs I'll focus on a couple of highlights:

Adelaide: Monday morning out running along the beach at Glenelg, about 7kms and although it was already 27 deg at 6am, it was a very pleasant run.

Noosa: A couple of nice runs along the Noosa Half course. It would be nice to do that one day.

Centennial Park today: A nice 7km at 6.20/km pace. Quite pleased with that pace considering the relatively low amount of training.

I've had a few problems with my right calf and foot, which despite Easy Tiger's best efforts is still giving me grief so I haven't done much interval training lately. Hoping it will stand up to a sessiong this week. I'm also getting a few aches in my special place which is a sign of the hip problem flaring up. The only thing I've been a bit slack on is the Crazy Ab lady exercises so I'm going to re-focus on that this week and see if it settles down the hip. If not, I'll be back to Brad the physio; I'm due a check up anyway.

That's all for now and I really will try and be a better blogger!!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Kick Start

Well, after posting last I have been all over the place. I did a nice fast run on last Saturday morning, the details of which I have forgotten, but I remember being pleased! (Edit: Now I've looked at my blog I see I have already told you all about poor old memory is definitely going!) Then it was off to Mr lulu's Dad's place near Albury. I managed to do a couple of walks and some strength stuff but discovered I high had sore tib post muscles, which attach on the inside of the calf to the ankle. The left one was particulary bad so I decided to treat them nicely for a few days.

I fully intended to go running on Weds morning in Melbourne but those naughtly Melbourne boys took me out to dinner again and I slept really badly so it was a failure to launch on Weds. Easy Tiger tortured the calves on Thursday morning and they settled down quite well.

More excuses followed for the rest of the week until hitting one of Sean's running camps at Sussex Inlet on Friday night. I did think about hiding in my cabin all weekend to avoid Sean torturing me but it wasn't a very nice cabin!

Sat morning was a nasty sounding sandhills session so I decided my calves probably wouldn't enjoy that so I stayed in bed and then got up and fetched coffee and made breakfast for the athletes of the house ( who were Running Angel, Mr RA, BeckyO and of course Mr Lulu). I didn't feel too guilty when I saw that Easy Tiger didn't do the sandhills either.. .he informed me he was a runner not a camel :)

I couldn't escape the late morning session though. This was supposed to be a 2.5km jog down to the beach and then 4 or 8km along the beach and a 2.5 km run back. As this would be about my week's total in one run I was permitted to drive to the beach and then I just did one out and back loop which was about 2.7km, plus I did a little bit extra to make it 3km. I started out with RA and Becky, which was a mistake as they went out at a nice sub 6 min pace which had me wheezing away once we hit the end of the beach and so I had to slow down for the return leg. A very nice little hit out though.

The afternoon session was a strength workout on the beach. I did my own version as I am probably a bit overly cautious in doing anything new which might aggravate the dodgy hip. I also didn't want to get totally frazzled on the beach in the afternoon sun. I did a good pilates and some glute torturer exercises before organising afternoon. ( As you can tell, I was camp chef which seemed fair as I wasn't doing anywhere near as much as the athletes).

Saturday night it was down to the local RSL; not an experience I care to repeat, the food was truly terrible. Next camp, I'll cook dinner so I don't have to sample the delights of the local RSL! One of the other runners commented that we didn't really fit in as we were all too slim!

This morning it was the long run out in the National Park. Lovely trail to run on, and I started out with Becky and RA again and this time they slowed down so I could run with them until I turned around after 25 mins. I was finding it hard work and feeling very unfit until Becky O pointed out that we had been running on a gradual uphill for most of the way. I found out she was right when I turned around and flew back down, for a nice total of 50 mins at an average pace of 6.25. At 7.8km, my longest run for about 7 months!

After cooking breakfast for half the camp (word had spread of my camp chef status) it was a short rest, a trip to town to fetch the Sunday Telegraph so we could read the article about Becky O and her quest to raise money while doing the Marathon de Sable, and then off for one of Sean's delightful aqua workouts. Lots of drills, strides and other forms of torture down at the lake.

We're back home now and feeling quite tired but I have definitely been re-inspired to keep on plugging away and to try and be more consistent this month. Lots of nagging please people! I have had lots of patchy weeks in Jan. I've also decided to make Feb an alcohol free month to give the weight loss a bit of a boost, as I haven't made much progress this month. Let's see what I can do, despite doing a lot of travelling in the next few weeks.

Apologies to Ewen for scaring him with Aussie talk: I promise to keep control of my Australianess from now on :)